We are a community for people with lived experience of mental health to campaign for change.
Do you have lived experience of mental health crisis or attempting to access mental health crisis services?
We are looking for up to six lived experience representatives to join a crisis pathway redesign event.
The details are below:
Date: Friday 15 November 2019
Times: 09:30am -16:30pm
Location: Holiday Inn, Bond Street, Bristol, BS1 3LE (next to the Bristol Bear Pit roundabout).
The aim of the day is to progress the development of a new blueprint for BNSSG crisis services. We want to come to together as system partners to co-produce the crisis services of the future.
Your role will be to help shape the conversations on the day and what is developed.
We are asking applicants to write no more than 250 words stating how they meet the criteria listed in the experience, knowledge and skills section. Please do specify if you have personal experience of crisis services as part of your supporting statement. If you need more advice or help, please feel free to contact Tom.
Please email expressions of interest to tom[@]imhn.org (removing the brackets from the email address) by Monday 11 November 2019. We will notify successful applicants by Tuesday 12 November 2019.
You can read more about the opportunity here.
November 6, 2019 at 5:53 pm