We are a community for people with lived experience of mental health to campaign for change.
A new immediate emotional and practical support helpline
An NHS, free, confidential 24/7 helpline has launched, provided by Vita Health Group, in partnership with Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.
The service is called 24/7 Support & Connect. This line is staffed by experienced counsellors, who you can talk to and they will listen. They will offer emotional support and can connect you to organisations available in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).
The helpline is for people aged 18 and over who are living within BNSSG or are registered with a GP within BNSSG.
For immediate emotional and practical support call 0800 012 6549.
(textphone users dial 18001 followed by 0800 0126549)
If English isn’t your first language we can arrange for a translator to support your call.
If you are 17 or under please call the Children and Young People’s helpline via AWP’s Single Point of Access phoneline on 0300 303 1320.
For more information, please click here to visit the Vita Health Group website.
August 12, 2020 at 9:56 am
The Independent Mental Health Network (IMHN) have launched a survey, asking for people’s experiences about accessing mental health support within the last few weeks.
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, we know how vital it is to ensure that people are able to access timely and effective mental health support.
IMHN want to hear from you about your experiences at the moment, so we can make local services and funders aware of what people’s experiences are so that action can be taken.
Click here to access the survey.
April 9, 2020 at 10:45 am