***This role was originally advertised in September 2020, and has since been filled. The information on this page has been left for reference, but may be out of date.***
This role is open to all living in either of the Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire areas.
The CYP subgroup sits as part of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Mental Health & Wellbeing Cell. The Cell is a partnership structure of local organisations that have come together to address and respond to the mental health and wellbeing needs of the local population that have resulted from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The CYP subgroup includes mental health organisations that provide support and services to children and young people. We are looking for one person with lived experience of mental health to support the work of this subgroup. You will be joining another lived experience rep who already attends meeting.
The time commitment will be based around frequency of meetings – currently there is one meeting every fortnight that lasts an hour and a half. Additionally, to support you, we would arrange a catchup with you each fortnight to act as a debrief. We are able to pay a rate of £12 per hour for time attending meetings.
Please express your interest by 5pm on Wednesday 7 October.
Apply for this role – please click here and fill out the webform.