Inner City and East Bristol Mental Health Task and Finish Group [19]

***This role was originally advertised in October 2020, and has since been filled. The information on this page has been left for reference, but may be out of date.***


This role is open to people living in the Inner City or East Bristol areas. 

The Inner City and East Bristol (ICE) Mental Health Task and Finish Group is established as a sub-group of ICE Partnership Board. This board has been formed to progress the local priority of mental health service provision. This particular Task and Finish Group is asked to co-design an integrated, place-based model for delivering mental health services to meet the needs of the population in ICE. This will also consider health inequalities.

This group will bring together Primary Care providers, Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations, Social Prescribing provider, the local authority (social care and public health) and Commissioning in the locality, and people with lived experience of mental heath to support co-design.

This group will:

  • develop an understanding of service pressures, unmet need in current mental health service provision and the impact this has on the population in ICE
  • identify and explore opportunities around models of integrated service opportunities through a cross organisational, sub-working group approach if appropriate
  • develop a person-centred model that is place-based and delivered through a partnership approach to meet the mental health needs of the diverse population in ICE
  • oversee the piloting, operationalise and evaluation of these models
  • facilitate closer working between providers, VCSE and commissioners to support the development of deliverable solutions to locality challenges

About the role

  • IMHN are seeking two people with lived experience of mental health to support this meeting
  • meetings will take place fortnightly (dates and times to be confirmed). These will take one and half hours. You will be paid at a rate of £12 per hour of meetings attended

About you

  • you will live in either the Inner City or East Bristol areas (please note: you must live in either of these areas, not be registered with a GP or access services in these areas)
  • you will ideally have experience contributing to projects that look at existing or new mental health services
  • you will be able to virtually attend the fortnightly Monday meetings, which start on Monday 19 October, and run between 10am – 12pm

Please express your interest by 9am on Wednesday 14 October. 

Apply for this role – please click here and fill out the webform.