Have you got symptoms of a Severe Mental Illness (this may include a diagnosis of schizophrenia, a, bipolar affective disorder or non-organic psychosis)?

Did you know?: those with symptoms of a severe mental illness tend to have much poorer health than the rest of the population and are therefore entitled to an annual physical health check to help improve this.we’d like you to help us improve these physical health checks and are holding two focus groups to really understand your experiences, (places are limited to 10 participants in each group)

one group will be held in north bristol on 5th of june between 6-7pm one group will be held online on 6th june between 6-7pm

we will do all we can to make the groups inclusive, safe, and confidential. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN A GROUP, PLEASE CONTACT ENGAGEMENT@IMHN.ORG

If you are unable to attend but would like to, please complete our online survey by scanning the qr code or visiting -

May 15, 2024 at 10:13 am